제59회 대한치과의사협회 및 영남 국제 치과학술대회 & 기자재전시회(YESDEX 2024)

10월 29일 (일) 325호 10:00 ~ 12:00

  • 연자

    Yongkun Kim

  • 연제

    Patient centered and occlusion driven minimally invasive full mouth rehabilitation in era of implant dentistry

  • 약력

    Faculty Appointments:
    06/2022 – Present
    Clinical Associate Professor of Periodontics and Periodontal – Prosthesis University of Pennsylvania


Reconstructive dentistry based on solid concept of periodontal prosthesis has been advocated by many renowned clinicians for many years.

However, with the introduction of implants and recently digital dentistry there has been increasing adverse shift from evidence and experience

backed concept based dentistry to digital technology driven practicality based dentistry.

This presentation will review the application of not only, so important, occlusion driven but patient centered practice in modern clinical dentistry.

How this concept is applied in private general practice to successfully rehabilitate patientsform and function of masticatory system will be covered.

Importance of accurate identification of etiology and pathogenesis of the disease in addition to proper determination of the diagnosis of the pathology will be discussed in depth.

Successful implementation of implants in classical periodontal prosthesis will be reviewed in depth.

In implant prosthodontics, options and techniques to maintain the function of mastication during transitional period of hopeless dentition to implant supported dentition will be explored.

Value of sequential extraction therapy to minimize the loss of hard and soft tissue during this transition period as compared to “extraction first” approach will be presented.

This presentation will also cover many important factors how to minimize the incidence of peri implantitis post implant reconstructive dentistry among many valuable topics.

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